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Pure Conscious Design

natural intergration
sntHOME created the principles of Pure Conscious Design. Defining our approach to what we think interiors should be. PC Design is comprehensive all inclusive mindful creation of space, lifestyle and how we live.  It's awareness of the resources available for a more balanced, healthier, peaceful and fulling way to live through the incorporation of transformative practices that draw upon the use of ancient wisdom. 
This wisdom includes knowledge of
Feng Shui, Celestial Design and Vastu Shastra.
Beautiful Flower Bloom

Beautiful Flower Bloom

Purple flower bloom.

Architect Design

Architect Design

White clean lines against blue sky.

Henna Tattoo on Textured Background

Henna Tattoo on Textured Background

Beautiful henna on hand.

Upholstery Fabric

Upholstery Fabric

Larsen high end wool upholstery fabrics.

Modern House

Modern House

Modern wood home with lots of glass.

Purple Glow Concsiousness

Purple Glow Concsiousness

Thought provoking.

Green Living Books

Green Living Books

Clean Design, Green Living by Design and Practically Green books to read.

Green Foliage

Green Foliage

Air filtering plants.

Color Matching Service

Color Matching Service

sntHOME provides color matching services for fabrics and paint.

Green Agate

Green Agate

Crystal Energy healing part of sntHOME interior design services.



Natural light. Use it in Feng Shui or Celestial Design for home.

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

Nature and Blue Sky.

Feng Shui
Traditional Chinese practices use energy forces to harmonize people with their surrounding environment. The term Feng shui mean "wind & water."  It was developed over 3,000 years ago. The philosophy is based upon arranging items in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural world and positive energy flow.  The five natural elements of fire, water, earth, wood and metal are used for materials and direction placement.
Celestial Design
Native American and other tribes recognized the powerful forces of the Sun, Moon and Stars and placed stone and other symbolic objects to follow the Earth's rhythm and harness it's life energies.  Positioning their teepee's, huts and  openings to catch the first light of the morning sun. They created stone circles to interconnect all things of the universe, manifesting natural forces and defining spiritual space for healing and transformation to occur fostering psychological and spiritual development.
Vastu Shastra
Ayurveda Hindu Indian based practice that takes into consideration principles of jyotish (Indian astrology) where planetary forces have an effect on natural elements and worldly circumstances.  Inhabitants strive to create stress-free environments that align those forces allowing the dweller, the space-building and cosmos to exist in harmony.  It is similar to Feng Shui but different.  It's complexed  and involves holistic health considerations, physical and psychological elements that make up the dosha (personality) of each family member.  One defining principle is that furniture is usually positioned off the walls.
Organic Cotton Mini  Bale

Organic Cotton Mini Bale

Organic cotton form the Texas Organic Cotton Marketing Cooperative.

Pink Ottoman and Pillows

Pink Ottoman and Pillows

sntHOME Interior Design Showroom

Succulent Plant

Succulent Plant

Beautiful color.

Linen Interior Design Fabric

Linen Interior Design Fabric

Bird printed linen fabric for custom drapery and upholstery at sntHOME.

Japanese Castle

Japanese Castle

Ancient design.

Looking Out of a Skyscaper

Looking Out of a Skyscaper

Facing the day east morning sun.

Abstract Shape

Abstract Shape

Paper design.

Cotton Fabric

Cotton Fabric

Cotton printed upholstery fabric at sntHOME.

Sustainable Workplace

Sustainable Workplace

Doing our part for the sake of sustainability.

Flower Wall

Flower Wall

Interesting flower wall.

Buffalo Check Upholstered Chair

Buffalo Check Upholstered Chair

Cotton buffalo check upholstered swivel chair at sntHOME SHowroom.

Blue and White Eggs

Blue and White Eggs

Fun design.


Pure Conscious Design also considers modern technologies such as Ergonomic Design to support movement-activity-functionality, the integration of blending nature with inside through the use of Biophilic Design, Crystal Energy healing, air cleansing and purification, EMF interruption and reduction, the intentional creation of personal quiet space such as prayer alters, meditation nooks, yoga zen rooms and spa inspired bathrooms.

The design is free of fake materials and additives.  It's design without any extraneous and unnecessary elements, not mixed or adulterated.  The creator is totally aware, sensitive to and alert of their choices.  They have knowledge of and are connected to what they are creating and prefer to be in the know of how their space is designed.

Toxic chemicals are drastically reduced and eliminated in all areas possible.

PC Design focuses on utilizing organic, natural and sustainable fabrics, products and materials that promote comfort, relaxation, healing and restoration to the body, mind and spirit.  How we live, the organization, cleanliness, sources and concentration of chemicals and toxic conditions of our home-our environment is the number one trigger to impacting our health, longevity, mood, sense of security, quality of life and the harmony we experience in our space, the place we call home.

Say NO to synthetic fabrics, plastics and chemicals

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